A re-boot isn't just for computers

The family and I recently went to Vancouver to visit one of our sons who works there and I admit, I went a bit feral.

The reason? I put thought into my outfits every single day. I see myself as my own walking CV and my professional integrity means I present myself in a way I see as appropriate for my job. Day in, day out.

So on holiday, I can let all of that go and just focus on the moment, not what I’m wearing. It was like pushing the reboot button.

It was also an action packed holiday (including camping on a really basic site) and that meant functionality won over anything else time and time again. At one point I even had tie dye socks on with my Skechers and didn’t give a flying f**k about it.

Make up was also on hold and my hair had a break from being either straightened or curled. I also stepped away from social media.

It was a case of stripping everything right back and having a proper break from my daily routine. A spot of true downtime and the chance to just ‘be’.

I know this isn’t for everyone. I work with women who relish their holiday wardrobe - perhaps because at work they are forced to wear things they wouldn’t normally choose or similar. But this holiday I needed a break from absolutely everything, to completely power down and it felt good to get back to the very basics.

You can tell it worked though because as soon as we got home, I was dying to step back into my old self. I’d enjoyed the simple life but not enough to want to continue in my day to day routine. So today a bit of light make up was back, a few accessories were donned and a ‘proper’ outfit was worn with relish.

Will you be re-booting this summer? x